As the first television series launched by actress-comedienne Lucille Ball following her 1960 divorce from husband and collaborator Desi Arnaz, Jr., The Lucy Show premiered on CBS in 1962, to spectacular ratings. The program actually underwent three incarnations during its 12-year run. It began with Ball starring as Lucy Carmichael, a widow residing in Danfield, Connecticult, who shared a home with her two children - young son Jimmy (Jimmy Garrett) and teenage daughter Chris (Candy Moore). Also on hand were Lucy's best friend, widow Vivian Bagley (Vivian Vance); Vivian's son, Sherman (Ralph Hart); and of course, Lucy's comedic foil, Mr. Mooney (Gale Gordon) - her curmudgeonly boss at the Danfield First National Bank. This was the narrative set-up that lasted three years, though Season Four witnessed a partial overhaul. When Lucy returned that fall, the character had moved to San Francisco along with Mooney, and was once again working as the fellow's secretary, this time at the Westland Bank. Chris Carmichael disappeared from the cast, as did Vivian, who was replaced by a new Lucy girlfriend, Mary Jane Lewis (Mary Jane Croft). This box set contains all 26 episodes from that season, which originally aired between September 13, 1965 and March 21, 1966. Installments include: Lucy in the Music World, Lucy the Stunt Man, Lucy and Joan and Lucy and the Undercover Agent.
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Manufacturer | Elle Decor |
Brand | - |
Item model number | 15442062 |
Color | French White |
Weight | - |
Height | 22.44 inches |
Depth | 48.03 inches |
Product Id | 173789 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 4.5 (2 ratings) 4.5 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 097368121546 |
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