Pf Hlmt Tddlr Vp Mini-me Blu P Frank
Manufacturer | - |
Brand | ONLINE |
Item model number | 1002934 |
Color | - |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 1028862 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 035011891699 |
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Pf Hlmt Tddlr Vp Mini-me Blu P Frank
(4.5) |
This is sooo cute and arrived looking perfect. The only problem is that it is too small for my 4 year old. I had to give it to a friend for her daughter's birthday and purchase a larger helmet for my daughter.
My 21 month old loves this set. He got it for Christmas from Santa to go with his new trike. Loves to wear the helmet, fits perfect, doesn't appear to be uncomfortable at all. Haven't used the knee pads at all though, just really needed the helmet. Wouldn't recommend for a toddler over 2 1/2-3 yrs old though. It would likely be too small. The design is super cute. We love Paul Frank!!
My grandchild is 11 mo old. The helmet is somewhat large for him although he is a big boy. The helmet is probably OK for an older child. When he rides in the Classis Child Seat on the back of my bicycle, the high back on the seat pushes the helmet down in his face. I guess he will grow into it so long as he doesn't exceed the 40 lb weight limit before he gets tall enough to clear the seat back.