Oceana Kettrike
Manufacturer | - |
Brand | ONLINE |
Item model number | 8838-399 |
Color | Blue |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 1181026 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 609970883899 |
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Oceana Kettrike
(4.7) |
A very good tricycle for our 22 month old grandson. Easy for him to steer and pedal while his parents guide from the back. Well made.
We bought this tricycle for our 22 month old son, and he just loves it. This is a great, sturdy tricycle. Installation was straightforward and took ~1hr. The pedals move when the bike moves, which I believe is better for learning. My son very quickly realized that he needs to put his feet on the pedal to have a comfortable ride. Now the only connection he needs to form is that the tricycle moves only when he pushes on the pedal. The tricycle is a bit heavy because of quite a few metal parts, but it manouvers great around tight corners. The S-shaped bar is also great for getting on and off the tricycle.
I give high ratings for the durability, style, color, construction and price. We wanted a bike that was not cheap but that was not as pricy as some of the other Kettler trikes. For those of you who can't afford the best and can't live with the cheap princess bikes....this is the one for you. It is gender neutral so it will last through all of your kids and save you money. The durability will allow for it to last through all of your children. I got frustrated with all the bikes that had elmo, princesses or dora the explorer! I wanted a good looking bike that would last and was cost effective. Found it.
This bike had many parts but went together very easily. It is so very well constructed and will surely last for many years. It has enough adjustments as the child grows so it can be used for several years. It was a gift and the recipient was very pleased.
My 2-year-old daughter loves this trike so far. She's tall for her age so she has no problem reaching the peddles. It's seems like a very sturdy trike. The handle for parents to push seems a bit wobbly sometimes, but it's been working just fine. We also bought the basket separately, which has come in very handy. I highly recommend this trike.
A great choice. Solid tricycle, well constructed. Made in Germany. Takes 30-45 minutes to put together most of which is spent deciphering the IKEA like instructions.
This trike has outstanding construction: seat, tires, most sturdy frame ever... can literally hold 200+lbs. This is an heirloom-quality tricycle and will likely last for generations. I consider myself handy and did not have problems following the assembly instructions. My main gripe is that the hardware (nuts and bolts) that comes with the trike is very low quality. The bolt to attach the handlebars actually had NO THREADS. they gave us a blank instead of an actual bolt. Luckilly, I had a spare bolt and nut around the house that were the right size, otherwise would have had to make a trip to the hardware store or mail Kettler for a replacement. It may be hard for some people to tighten the handlebars enough with the supplied tools - I had to use supplemental tools for more leverage. Also the seat is adjustable but only via removing several hard to get at screws - would probably take about 20-30min to adjust the seat position on the frame. Not all seat positions were useable, either, due to interference from other hardware. Also the slotted bolts used to attach the seat are somewhat poor quality ( slot starting to strip a little due to soft, cheap, metal. ) The frame does adjust in the middle, though ( moves the rear wheels/seat farther away from the front wheel/handlebars, so this is a 30 second adjustment that will increase the effective size of the trike as its user grows. The only other gripe is to make sure the push handle is assembled correctly before screwing the halves of the handle together - I had to take it apart and reassemble so the handpiece would not be upside down when the handle is attached to the trike. Also, if you want your child to be able to peddle and move the trike BACKWARDS, this is the trike to get, rather than the more expensive Kettler ones, which brake when trying to peddle backwards and freewheel like a 10-speed if coasting/being pushed with the handle. All told I would still get this trike because it is the best made out there. Not having one bolt that was right delayed the assembly, though, until a substitute was found.
My 14 month really enjoys the bike but it was a little hard to put together because of poor instructions.