Lost Words is an atmospheric narrative adventure that takes place in the personal diary entries belonging to a young girl named Izzy that will unfold as you explore a fantasy land where words hold immense power. Featuring an immersive story crafted by renowned games writer Rhianna Pratchett, Lost Words: Beyond the Page will mesmerize players with its unique blend of gameplay mechanics and striking watercolor aesthetic. Driven by the player’s curiosity, the world of Estoria and the power it holds will serve as the engine that will propel Izzy through this deeply personal narrative, resulting in a truly memorable experience.
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Manufacturer | Limited Run Games |
Brand | VCI Entertainment |
Item model number | 36336647 |
Color | Multi |
Weight | 3.63 pounds |
Height | 2.79 inches |
Depth | 10.6 inches |
Product Id | 125831 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 5 (1 ratings) 5 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 089859880629 |
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