Based on a novel by Colombian author Alvaro Mutis, this frothy adventure chronicles the exploits of an unlikely trio of wanderers trying to earn money in Panama City during the 1950s. As the film opens, the three have been separated. The dashing Marqroll is aboard a ship that gets confiscated in port. While marooned, he wanders the city and runs into his good friend, the vivacious Macedonian-Polish traveler Illona who lives a splendid life after having sold a lucrative South African nightclub. Upon learning that their Lebanese compatriot Abdul has been imprisoned for smuggling, the two conspire to spring him. Afterward, they decide to help Abdul buy the tramp steamer he has always wanted. To do this, they open up a brothel. It's a big success and their goal is in sight until they hire on the mysterious Larissa as their newest shady lady.
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Manufacturer | Bellroy |
Brand | - |
Item model number | 32972146 |
Color | Black |
Weight | 3.08 pounds |
Height | 14.96 inches |
Depth | 7.48 inches |
Product Id | 128848 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 4.8 (381 ratings) 4.8 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 081227935191 |
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