Developing the Reflective Healthcare Team, Used [Paperback]

Developing the Reflective Healthcare Team, Used [Paperback]
Developing the Reflective Healthcare Team, Used [Paperback]
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Team working and learning through reflection are both fundamental to quality healthcare. This book is the first to explore the use of the practices of reflection to develop health care teams that can deliver sustainable, high-quality personalised care. Developing the Reflective Healthcare Team is structured in three parts which are about new views of reflective practice, improving team working, and the use of the TA2LK facilitative reflective process to develop high performing teams.

Developing the Reflective Healthcare Team, Used [Paperback]

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Brand Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John
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Product Id 1325383
User Reviews and Ratings 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars
UPC 467326217046

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