This collection features three complete anime series. In Kurozuka, a betrayed swordsman wakes in a future, nuclear ravaged Japan and seeks out his immortal vampire love; in Ultraviolet Code 044, a genetically altered super-soldier is sent on a mission to eliminate a group of outlaws, but finds herself becoming a target; in Viper's Creed, a private military unit attempts to deal with violent crime on behalf of the government.
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Manufacturer | Geek Squad® |
Brand | Universal Studios |
Item model number | 61197461000 |
Color | Black |
Weight | 0.28 ounces |
Height | 0.5 inches |
Depth | 2.5 inches |
Product Id | 182116 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 4.2 (2542 ratings) 4.2 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 191329062982 |
# | Title | Reviews | User Ratings | Price |
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