As the first major television endeavor launched by Lucille Ball following her 1960 divorce from husband Desi Arnaz, Jr., The Lucy Show premiered on CBS in 1962, to spectacular ratings. In what would be the first of three incarnations undergone by the program during its twelve-year network run, the series originally starred Ball as Lucy Carmichael, a widow living in suburban Danfield, Connecticut, where she shared a home with her two children - primary school-age son Jimmy (Jimmy Garrett) and teenage daughter Chris (Candy Moore). Sharing the Carmichael home were Lucy's best friend, widow Vivian Bagley (Vivian Vance) and Vivian's son, Sherman (Ralph Hart).This was the narrative set-up that lasted three seasons, through the spring of 1965. Episodes, mirroring the original I Love Lucy series, typically found Lucy winding up in one outrageous slapstick mishap or another. Season Two debuted in the fall of 1963 and ran through the spring of 1964, and contained 28 color episodes; its most notable development involved Lucy going to work for curmudgeonly Theodore J. Mooney (longtime Ball foil Gale Gordon) at the Danfield First National Bank, where she hoped to meet eligible men. This package contains all of Season Two as it originally aired; the package also features a wealth of bonus supplements including the Lucille Ball Comedy Hour special (aka Mr. and Mrs.) from 1964, starring Ball, Gordon and Bob Hope; new interviews with Carole Cook and Barry Livingston, vintage openings and closings, production notes; and much more.
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Manufacturer | - |
Brand | Paramount |
Item model number | 894324 |
Color | Y |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 194963 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 5 (25 ratings) 5 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 097368943247 |
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