Surge 18" Boys' Bike with Training Wheels: Rugged boy's BMX frame Training wheels Front caliper and rear coaster brake Quick release seat for easy height adjustment
Manufacturer | - |
Brand | Next |
Item model number | 8091-30 |
Color | Red |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 2125030 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 4 (46 ratings) 4 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 087876091301 |
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Surge 18" Boys' Bike with Training Wheels
Reviews: 46
46 | (4) |
My son just recently stopped using training wheels. So for his 5th birthday we gave his this bike. We looked for a bike that was not expensive but would be cool enough for his standards. This bike is maybe an inch too big at the moment but with a little help he can balance. I am hopeful it will last the next couple of years. We all love it.
Bought this bike for my grandson he loves it ...was very easy to put together and the coloring makes it to be an awesome looking bike, we had it shipped for Christmas within 3 days. Would highly recommend it!!!
I purchased this 18" bike for my son's 6th birthday. It's a little big for him, but I figure he'll grow into it. I liked how the bike still has the pedal brakes and also one handlebar break so he can get some practice using it. He loves riding his new bike every chance he gets! Great purchase!
We purchased this bike in the original green/silver last year for our grandson's 7th birthday. He had outgrown the 16" Rock It (which we still have) but still needed coaster brakes and training wheels. It is now 15 months later and this bike will be joining the 16" (shed storage) as he has outgrown it. This bike was great for a in-between little and big boy stage. It has held up extremely well and yes he took a few dives on it after removing training wheels. I highly recommend this bike if your child is ready for the bigger bike but still at the not quite ready stage.
The bikes were shipped quickly and arrived with no damage to the bikes, but the boxes looked like they had been through a war zone!! The bike were well made, however the decals were not properly aligned and were wrinkled which took away from the quality appearance they could have had. With some gentle handling I was able to loosen the decals and put them on straight and work all the air bubbles out, now they look great. I know these are mass produced, but I feel that more attention to the little details would help a lot in getting a excellent review. They will serve my grandsons for a few years and then we will pass them on to someone else.
Bought this for my 8 year old for Christmas. Very well packaged with no pieces missing. Nice sturdy bike, doesn't look cheap in any way. I've only given it 4 stars purely because the instructions are on a tiny piece of paper in 2 languages. The diagrams are also very confusing. Then again, for most people this would not be a problem but, if you have a husband like mine who freaks out changing a lightbulb, you may need someone else to help you ..... Overall very pleased, looks good, rides good and good value.
I really can't make that good of a judgement call on this bike b/c our 14 year old nephew put it together (which I guess is a comment in itself that it is easy to put together). It doesn't come with a kick stand but we didn't need it b/c we put the training wheels on it. It is for our 7 year old son. The 16" bike was too little for him but the 20" bikes don't come with training wheels so this met our needs. He's only ridden it a couple of times but so far so good.
Correct size for my grandson but I was disappointed that it did not have a kick stand. The training wheels will be removed very soon and he has no way of standing up the bike. Also a valve stem cap was missing, The training wheels allowed for very little adjustment.
We bought this bike for our son for Easter and it was a big hit until we took it out to the park. Both pedals fell off and ruined the whole first bike experience. Sadly it seems that we are going to have to glue them on. No matter how tight we attach them, they just come loose and drop off!
The bike is the same size but looks nothing like the picture. Quality is not the best the price is cheap and he will not use it too many years anyway.