Pre-Owned Applied Linear Algebra (Paperback) 0131473824 9780131473829

Pre-Owned Applied Linear Algebra (Paperback) 0131473824 9780131473829
Pre-Owned Applied Linear Algebra (Paperback) 0131473824 9780131473829
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This book describes basic methods and algorithms used in modern, real problems likely to be encountered by engineers and scientists - and fosters an understanding of why mathematical techniques work and how they can be derived from first principles. Assumes no previous exposure to linear algebra. Presents applications hand in hand with theory, leading readers through the reasoning that leads to the important results. Provides theorems and proofs where needed. Features abundant exercises after almost every subsection, in a wide range of difficulty. A thorough reference for engineers and scientists.

Title: Applied Linear Algebra ISBN10: 0131473824 EAN: 9780131473829 Author: Olver, Peter J.; Shakiban, Cheri CONDITION - GOOD - Pre-Owned - Pages can include limited notes and highlighting, and the copy can include 'From the library of' labels or previous owner inscriptions. Accessories such as CD, codes, toys, may not be included.

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Last updated: 2024-12-30 19:52:31
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Product Id 2183646
User Reviews and Ratings 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars
UPC 467442332784

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Pre-Owned Applied Linear Algebra (Paperback) 0131473824 9780131473829
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