The MX125 is Razor's smallest electric dirt bike, scaled down to size for riders ages 7 and up Designed with motocross dirt bike geometry, knobby tires and twist-grip throttle Rear-wheel drive delivers better balance control and traction for a safer, more stable ride Carries riders at speeds of up to 8 mph (13 km/h) with up to 40 minutes of continuous use Features a crossbar reinforced handlebar, spoked wheels with 12" pneumatic, knobby tires, retractable kickstand, and hand-operated rear brake Speed: Up to 8 mph (13 km/h) Run Time: Up to 40 minutes of continuous use Motor: 100 watt, high-torque, chain-driven, rear-wheel drive Throttle: Twist-grip Brake: Hand-operated, rear Frame: Steel with authentic dirt bike geometry Fork/Handlebars: Steel Fairings: Shatter-resistant, plastic Grips: Foam Wheels: Spoked with 12" pneumatic, knobby tires Kickstand: Retractable Foot Pegs: Folding, metal Battery: 12V sealed lead-acid, rechargeable Includes: Battery charger Age: 7+ Gender: Unisex Max Rider Weight: 110 lb (54 kg) Some Assembly Required Assembled Product Dimensions: 36.42" (925mm) L x 21.46" (545 mm) W x 25.16" (639 mm) H
▪ The MX125 is Razor’s smallest electric dirt bike, scaled down to size for riders ages 7 and up
▪ Designed with motocross dirt bike geometry, knobby tires and twist-grip throttle
▪ Rear-wheel drive delivers better balance control and traction for a safer, more stable ride
▪ Carries riders at speeds of up to 8 mph (13km/h) with up to 40 minutes of continuous use
▪ Features a crossbar reinforced handlebar, spoked wheels with 12” pneumatic, knobby tires, retractable kickstand, and hand-operated rear brake
Manufacturer | Razor |
Brand | Razor |
Item model number | 15118244 |
Color | Blue |
Weight | 29.7 pounds |
Height | 42.5 inches |
Depth | 65 inches |
Product Id | 312466 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 3.9 (241 ratings) 3.9 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 845423024697 |
# | Title | Reviews | User Ratings | Price |
1 |
Razor MX125 Dirt Rocket Electric-Powered Dirt Bike with Authentic Motocross Dirt Bike Geometry, Rear-Wheel Drive,100-watt, high-Torque, Chain-Driven Motor, for Kids 7+
2 |
Razor - MX125 Dirt Rocket eBike w/ 5.3 Miles Max Operating Range and 8 mph Max Speed - Blue
3 |
Razor Dirt Rocket MX125 - Blue, Miniature Electric Powered Ride-on Bike, for Kids 7+
Reviews: 241
241 | (3.9) |
4 |
Razor Mini Dirt Rocket Kids Electric-Powered Ride On Dirt Bike With Battery
5 |
Miniature Dirt Rocket- MX125 Electric-Powered Ride On Bike Hand-operated Rear
Good quality. Easy to put together, sturdy bike.
Perfect gift for our 6 year old son! A real mini dirt bike. He's already made ramps and gone over large river rocks! it's really a little boys dream.
Brought this for my 3 year old son. Great speed. Thought is was a little small for a 7 year old like the box says. Overall great great purchase!
The bike came in a box and there was a little assembly needed with the wheels, super easy. It comes with three different sticker packs so you can decide what kind if look you want, we will need to add training wheels to ours for now but it was the best surprise for our kid I would highly recommend this item because you cannot get more value for the price This really has surprising quality
I bought this for my 6 year old. He weighs about 50 lbs. He couldn't ride a bike without training wheels but he learned quick with this. 1 day is all it took. It lasted a little over an hour before it started slowing down. Its perfect speed wise until he gets a little more experienced. It doesn't go well uphill without a running start. We do drive it in the grass tho. Assembly was quick and easy. I wouldn't give this to a child over 7 even though it says ages 7 . My child is kinda small. It was perfect for him and he loves it.
My 5 year old loves this bike. Best gift ever. Not too fast for him, but fast enough for him to think he's riding an actual motorcycle.
This little bike fits my six year old perfectly. It only goes 8mph so it's the perfect speed for a beginner to learn to balance on a motorbike. He handles it really well. I will be buying the next size up for his 8 year old sister because she loves to ride it as well, but it's a bit small and slow for her.
My son just turned 5 10-13. He's very small for his age. This fits him perfectly! No way this is for anyone older than 6. He loves it! He rides it daily and it holds a charge well!
Having everything included in the box to assemble the motor cross bike was great. It made the job easy and saved a lot of time. 🎄
I want to return. Bought for my 6 yo grandson and he does like it but it is super slow, driving up even a tiny hill he pretty much has to get off and walk up. This should read 4 and up. The other one that says for teens would be perfect for him. Charge lasts hours at least.