The saddle and handlebar are adjustable in height so you can put the controls up or down. The bike itself has plastic rims, EVA tires and a red frame. This is an ideal way to introduce your child to the basics of riding a bicycle without all the falls and scrapes that might otherwise occur. Use the Steel Balance Bike today and send your child on his way. Steel Balance Bike: Saddle and handlebar are adjustable in height Plastic rims EVA tires Kids' balance bike has red frame
Manufacturer | - |
Brand | Anlen |
Item model number | 659989 |
Color | Red |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 378025 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 698238402125 |
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Steel Balance Bike
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I bought this Balance Bike for our son, he is 3yr old active boy. He has a regular bike but can't use the pedals yet, so this was perfect for him to cruse around and also learn how to balance. Great product.
Assembly was a snap, I was able to do it myself in just a few minutes. My 3 year old grandson figured it out in minutes and was doing a good job of balancing within a few days. It is teaching him how to balance so he will be ready for a big bike withoug training wheels very soon!
My grandson was afraid to learn to ride a bike with pedals. I bought a wooden one 6 months ago and it broke on the second day (in the house). When this bike came in, it was so well made and sturdy. He immediately began to ride it in the house. Outside on the driveway, he was really loving it and doing great. He is 6 and the bike still worked for him (although younger would have been better). Now he is excited and ready to start the transition to a regular bike. What a wonderful idea, a Steel Balance Bike!
Very nice, but it says 2 year old and my grandson is 2 and cannot reach the floor. It is a little too high and he will need to be 2 1/2 before he will be able to use it.
love the bright colors! the instructions were not easy to understand and we did not have the tool needed to put it together, but we figured it out. it is a little big for my 3-yr old grandson even with the seat all the way down, but it won't be long till his little legs will be long enough and he is having fun with it in the meantime. :) it seems pretty well made but it does seem like we have to keep tightening the bolt that holds the handlebars straight.
This is a good first bike for the price. The discription offered online left a lot of questions. For the price I got it anyway. You get what you pay for. It is all steel. The bike goes togehter easy. The only issue I have is that it is much larger than I thought. Most of these little push bikes are abount 11" to 13" inches tall. This one is at least 18" at the seat. So my little guy really wants to ride it but cannot touch the ground yet. Even when not on the seat. But hey. the bike was $50.
Bought these for my 4 year old twins for their birthday. My boys are taller than average and these bikes are still large enough for them to use...for maybe 6-12 months. For an average size child, these would probably works best for 3-6 years old, for a taller child, probably closer to 2 1/2 - 5 years old.
Was a little disappointed because I thought the tires were rubber/inflatable. Other than that seemingly nice product, hard to speak on much more than that because I jumped the gun a bit on my sons readiness/stature to use the balance bike.
Purchased for a two year old (who is above height for his age) but the bike is too tall. It would be a good balance bike iif the height was right.