This release from the Battlestar Galactica spin-off, prequel series Caprica includes the first nine episodes of the show, telling the origin story of the conflict between humans and the artificial intelligence race known as the Cylons. Taking place 58 years before Battlestar, the story begins on the peaceful planet of Caprica, where corporate conspiracy, dynastic politics, and questions of science come to a head to redirect humanity's fate forever.
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Manufacturer | - |
Brand | Universal Studios |
Item model number | 61114673 |
Color | Y |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 50663 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 4.7 (146 ratings) 4.7 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 025192067914 |
# | Title | Reviews | User Ratings | Price |
1 |
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