Learning-Focused Leadership in Action : Improving Instruction in Schools and Districts, Used [Paperback]

Learning-Focused Leadership in Action : Improving Instruction in Schools and Districts, Used [Paperback]
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Learning-Focused Leadership in Action : Improving Instruction in Schools and Districts, Used [Paperback]
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In an educational context where school and district performance is of increasing focus, it's essential for leaders at all levels of the educational system to focus on improving student performance. This volume zeros in on a promising set of strategies and practices for all leaders to motivate, support, and sustain learning in contemporary schools. Learning-Focused Leadership in Action explores what it means for educational leadership to be "learning-focused," what this looks like in practice at both the school and district level, and how such leadership changes can be set in motion. Drawing on extensive case study research in schools and districts that are making progress on learning improvement, this volume explores how leaders at all levels of the educational system can productively seek to improve the quality of learning opportunities and student performance, no matter how challenging the circumstances.

Learning-Focused Leadership in Action : Improving Instruction in Schools and Districts, Used [Paperback]

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Product Id 530668
User Reviews and Ratings 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars
UPC 461052980915

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