Disney Princess Helmet and Pads Value Pack: Includes: One helmet One pair of pads that may be used for elbows or knees Helmet made of tough ABS shell with EPS-lined padding for extra impact absorption Helmet features a built-in visor Color may vary
Manufacturer | - |
Brand | Disney |
Item model number | - |
Color | - |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 766206 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 026599725070 |
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Disney Princess Girls' Toddler Helmet An
(3.9) |
I bought this helmet and knee pads which can be used as elbow pads for my 2 yr old granddaughter to wear with training wheels bike her mommy and daddy had gotten her for Christmas...Fits her perfectly helmet can be adjusted up or down. Is very sturdy for the price.
The Helmet fix my Granddaughter perfectly, with a little room to grow. She loved it and so did we
My 2 year old got these to go with her bike she got for her birthday. As soon as she saw them she insisted on putting them on and didn't want to take them off. She loves Princesses and loves her new helmet and pads. They fit a two-year-old very well with room to grow. Great buy!
This is a well made helmet and pads... might i add though dont buy this helmet if ur buying for age 4 and up
bought this for my granddaughter. she loves it and it is very useful in keeping her safe while riding.
This came as a package deal with princess bike. We bought it for our daughters 4th b'day and she loves it. The helmet is a little smaller than I expected so I do not know how long she will be able to wear it but it does protect her head. My daughter is skinny but the knee pads fit her a bit tighter than expected, and we put the velcro at the very end; they also do not allow the knee to move much so my daughter walks sort of stiff legged. I would recommend this product for a 2 year old maybe but not really for anyone much older than that. It comes with velcro insert to make the hat fit smaller heads, so just in case you did not notice the inserts they can be removed to allow the helmet to fit a head bigger than a 2 year old.
Overall, I am very satisfied with this product. It complies with the recommended safety standards for children. It is also a great value provided that if these items were bought separately they would cost nearly $40 instead of $15. My sole complaint about this product is the sizing. My daughter will be three-years-old in June so I bought the 3+ helmet since it says that it is for ages 3-5 years. However, when I put it on her, the helmet was too small! She immediately began complaining that it was squeezing her head. The same holds true for the accompanying knee or elbow pads. I could strap neither the top nor bottom strap as they both were too tight around her legs. Needless to say, I exchanged the product for the 5+ helmet which it a bit too big for her. I would recommend this product only if your child is in the lower percentiles of their age group otherwise you will need to replace the items after a summer's use. You may otherwise want to consider the 5+ helmet or a different helmet overall.
My 5 year old loves the princess design, but it barely fits her head and she's not abnormally big for her age or anything. Wouldn't buy it again if I had a choice as there's no room for any growth. Says its for ages 3 and older - I'd only recommend it for ages 3-5.
My daughter is 3 years old and the helmet was meant for girls aged 3-5, yet it doesn't fit her. She opened the box in excitement and broke the package, so now I don't know if it can be returned. She hasn't been able to use it and thre isn't a Walmart near my home. It was a very disappointing experience.
I bought this helmet for my 3 year old for her birthday (we got her the Schwinn tricycle as well). The helmet is adorable and seems to be well-made but it was way too small. I think it's recommended for ages 2-4 but it was nowhere near fitting my 3 year old. I have to return it and find something in a larger size, which is a shame b/c I think she would have loved the princesses!