Radio Flyer Classic Red 10" Bicycle
Manufacturer | - |
Brand | ONLINE |
Item model number | - |
Color | Red |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 958310 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 042385956756 |
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Radio Flyer Classic Red 10" Bicycle
(4.5) |
I love it...I bought it for my 2 year old little brother,although he doesnt get concept of it yet.He loves to get on it and get pushed around..Its a beutiful bike,wish I had one when I was younger..Overall,beutiful bike,quality product.I Would recommend.I can't wait till he learns how to ride it.
I love this little bike. Yes the tires smell for about a week, but worth it. My two year old daughter feels like one of the big kids in the neighborhood now. It was very easy to put together and appears to be very durable. The simple design and color makes this one of the few items I plan on keeping long after my girls outgrow it. I am hopping to watch my grandkids ride this bike someday.
Bought this for my 2 year old daughter, who has ridden it non stop since the day she got it. Still in great condition and will be passed down to my son shortly. The bell is cute but a bit cheap; was hard for my daughter to ring when it was new, and now does not work at all. Cute idea, needs work. The bike is sturdy and well worth the money!
I'm completely happy with this bicycle. I bought it for my great grandson, he is 18 months old and he loves it. We are helping him learn to ride, and he is doing really well. He is a bit young, but it's his favorite toy. It's easier for him to ride then a tricycle, the leg reach is closer. The quality of this product is excellent!
We got this bike for our 4-year-old daughter for Christmas, and she LOVES it. It wasn't too hard to put together, and it only took her a few minutes to get the hang of it after being used to riding her three-wheeler plastic low-rider. The pedals have come out a few times, but they are easy to screw back in--no other problems or difficulties. We love that this was 10" instead of all the 12" bikes we saw for sale at the retail stores, and we love the rubber tires that can't leak or pop. The training wheels offer just enough support. She delights in ringing the bell on the nice wide handle bars, and loves the comments she gets about the old-fashioned look the bike has. She is a very proud owner :-)
We bought this for our 3.5 year old daughter for Christmas and it's retro design is darling and the red is classic. It is a very sturdy bike, and she is able to pedal just fine. I had read some reviews that kiddos were having trouble pedaling. It is true that there are NO brakes and it is stated on the box. The bell is a big hit too! The right pedal comes off once in awhile, but I think that is due to the installer (sorry honey!) ;-) Love this bike and it is a nice compromise from the overly girly "princess" bikes!!!!
Putting the bike togather was an easy process. The only problem i had was keeping one of the peddles on and there wasn't enough room on the other side to put a nut.
There are several small scratches even under the protective wrap, and the fenders seem a little thin. Now for the good. It has got to be the cutest little bike I have ever seen in my life. My son and I love it, as well as everyone else who sees it. While I don't think this bike will last through generations, I think it's a great little 1st bike that ought to last until he needs a bigger one. I like the tires that don't go flat, and the matching training wheels.
We bought this bike for my 3 1/2 year old for Christmas. We didn't realize that this bike has solid rubber tires, as we purchased it online. The wheels make it difficult for my son to pedal on anything but a flat surface or decline. Even on a downward slope the bike does not move by itself and will not coast. It is really cute, but it is really more of a toy than an actual bike. It certainly is not a good bike for learning, so we are going to have to buy my son a new bike.
I was very excited to get this for my 3 1/2 year old and he was very happy to receive it. He's been over tricycles for about a year and has a two-wheel bike w/o pedals that he "glides" and balances on. He's very ready for a two-wheel bike. After assembling--which I dread doing in reverse to return this item--I saw in small print on the frame that this item is not intended for use without the training wheels, which basically make it a tricycle. We gave it a shot anyway and it didn't go over very well. Without training wheels to hold it up, it's way too heavy and awkward for a 3 1/2 year old. Also, not being able to coast (back wheel moves=the pedals move) makes it impossible to use as a two-wheel bike. Additionally, although it's age range is 3 to 6, I doubt it would fit even a 5 year old. If you're looking for something on which your child can "graduate" and remove those training wheels, this is NOT it. Without those training wheels you'll just get a sore back from running up and down the street holding the back on the seat until they have you carry it home so they can safely walk. We're off to buy a "real" bike.