The Student Writer, Editor and Critic, Used [Paperback]

The Student Writer, Editor and Critic, Used [Paperback]
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The Student Writer, Editor and Critic, Used [Paperback]
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Detailed product description

THE STUDENT WRITER is a rhetoric with reading that helps students to discover their own writing process, and at the same time to understand the qualities of effective writing. Many strategies are presented for idea generation organizing drafting. revising editing and proofreading within the context of rhetorical modes as pattern for thought. Woven throughout the text are a generous number of student and professional essays to serve as both models and departure points for writing assignments and a wide variety of activities for completion both in and out of the classroom.

The Student Writer, Editor and Critic, Used [Paperback]

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Product Id 984658
User Reviews and Ratings 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars
UPC 466377861536

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