Cassell's French and English Dictionary, Used [Paperback]

Cassell's French and English Dictionary, Used [Paperback]
Cassell's French and English Dictionary, Used [Paperback]
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The greatest name in foreign language dictionaries is Cassell, the preeminent publisher of dictionaries for over 120 years. For fast, easy reference and comprehensive coverage, Cassell's is unbeatable. With entries covering daily conversation as well as technical and professional terms, this handy pocket-sized dictionary is the only reference you need while traveling, studying, or working. Cassell's is portable, easy to read and full of helpful usage information that's simple to access. This invaluable volume, backed by the world's foremost language authority, is the best pocket guide available to the French language.

Cassell's French and English Dictionary, Used [Paperback]

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Last updated: 2024-09-16 03:10:03
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Product Id 1455477
User Reviews and Ratings 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars
UPC 466006313047

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