Cracking the LSAT 2001, Used [Paperback]

Cracking the LSAT 2001, Used [Paperback]
Cracking the LSAT 2001, Used [Paperback]
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The LSAT (Law School Admission Test) is generally considered to be the most difficult of all standardized tests. Scoring high on this 3-1/2 hour multiple choice test is crucial for anyone applying to a competitive law school. Cracking the LSAT is based on the test-taking techniques taught in The Princeton Review's leading LSAT course.The two full-length practice tests in this book are annotated with explanations to all the answers. The questions in these tests are exactly like the ones students will see on the actual LSAT, and our answer explanations feature careful analysis of each answer choice.

Cracking the LSAT 2001, Used [Paperback]

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Last updated: 2023-08-02 20:17:30
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Product Id 534699
User Reviews and Ratings 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars
UPC 463481164164

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Cracking the LSAT 2001, Used [Paperback]
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