Dora the Explorer Tough Trike Wide and stable wheel base Easy-grip handlebars Big foot pedals Durable tires with rugged treads for "off-road" fund Adult assembly required Weight limit: 55 pounds
Manufacturer | - |
Brand | Fisher-Price |
Item model number | - |
Color | Multicolor |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 958313 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 027084432077 |
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Dora the Explorer Tough Trike
(3.6) |
love it and my daughter loves it. great toy great value every kid should have one
My daughter got this for her first birthday and couldn't really ride it for well over a year. She couldn't reach the peddles. She would scoot along but she didn't really like it since she couldn't peddle. When she finally could she played with it pretty often. We only recently got rid of it because she had a tricycle, we had given to her little cousin, a bicycle and a jeep. She really wanted to keep it but we were running out of room. She really enjoyed this most from about 3 on.
This trike is good for those little ones just learning to use pedals. I don't think that is an overnight thing. It takes a little time to put it together but my daughter was so excited and couldn't wait to try it out.
I bought this for my Daughter about 6 months ago and she LOVES it! ! ! She was a little shaky about it at first but after getting over her fear of going faster than she had before we cant keep her off it. Its well built and easy to put together ( regardless of what the others say ) and you can not beat the price. She LOVES the storage under the seat ( you never know what you will find in there . . .car keys. . .wallet. . . dog leash )
My mother got this for my daughter's 2nd birthday and she loved it. However, she wasn't then, and still isn't big enough to reach the pedals, and she's tall for her age. She'll be 3 in April and I'm hoping by then she can finally use it! Other than that, the "hubcaps" for the little wheels have come off and won't stay on, overall is good, won't know for sure until she can use it! By the time the child is big enough to ride it, they'll want something bigger or better.
My mother bought this for my daughter when she turned two. Well here we are a little over a year later and she can not ride it. It appears as though the seat is pushed to far back and although, her feet can touch the pedals, it is as if she can't a good grip.
We purchased this for our daughter last Christmas when she was 2 1/2. She is 3 years old now and still can't peddle it. I guess she's too short, but I thought she was tall for her age. So, its not much fun for her since she can't get anywhere on it. We'll be getting her a tricycle this year, and we'll be sure to take her to the store to try some out before we waste our money!
We bought this for my daughter who just turned 2. She is very tall for her age, but can't reach the pedals. She tries to skoot on it, but the back tires run over her heels. She still loves it because it is Dora...but she will have to wait until she is about 3 or 4 years old before she will be able to pedal.
It wobbles, hard to put together, very hollow, the wheels barely survived the pavement. It needs a piece of wood to put together - not included.
I bought this for my daughter on her second birthday and her 3rd birthday is in a week and she STILL can't ride this thing. I thought that she was tall enough for it, but apparently she'll have to be 4 or 5 before she can ride it and then it'll be time for a bike. I know that I only paid $20.00 for it but I wish that I would have splurged a little more and got a better tricycle.