Epsom Salt 100% Natural Mineral, Salt Powder Soaking Aid for Minor Sprains and Bruises

Epsom Salt 100% Natural Mineral, Salt Powder Soaking Aid for Minor Sprains and Bruises
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Epsom Salt 100% Natural Mineral, Salt Powder Soaking Aid for Minor Sprains and Bruises
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Detailed product description

Soaking Aid for Minor Sprains and Bruises, Relaxing the Nervous System, Curing Skin Problems, Soothing Back Pain and Aching Limbs Easing Muscle Strain, Healing Cuts, Treating Colds and Congestion, Drawing Toxins From the Body Simply mix 1 cup of baking soda with a gallon of warm water and soak your feet for at least 5 minutes each time. It's perfect for folks who spend their days on their feet. It benefits bath salts, body scrubs, painful muscle and foot soaks, and organic gardening. Epsom salt can help your garden thrive in a variety of ways. Epsom salt for plants is a cost-effective and natural way to care for your plants. Epsom Salt is a natural mineral that can be used as a soaking aid for minor sprains and bruises. Epsom salt for plants is a cost-effective and natural approach to give them an extra boost. Assist your plants in thriving. Apply to plants, lawns, and bushes.

An Epsom salt bath can help to relieve muscle aches and pains, relieve aching feet, cleanse pores, flush out toxins, detoxify the skin. It is the perfectly selected grain size for dissolving very quickly & easily in warm water. It’s transparent/slightly white in color and is odorless in scent. Epsom Salt for plants is a completely natural and cost-efficient way to give them that extra boost. Help your plants thrive. Use on plants, lawn, shrubs Epsom Salt 100% Natural Mineral, Salt Powder Soaking Aid for Minor Sprains and Bruises

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Last updated: 2025-01-17 14:46:03
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Product specifications

Technical details

Manufacturer -
Brand Epsom Salt
Item model number -
Color White
Weight -
Height -
Depth -

Additional product information

Product Id 2167245
User Reviews and Ratings 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars
UPC 715256020169

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Epsom Salt 100% Natural Mineral, Salt Powder Soaking Aid for Minor Sprains and Bruises
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