This collection includes episodes 40-52 of the adventure anime series Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, following the brothers Alphonse and Edward Elric as they try to restore what they lost in a misguided attempt to bring back their deceased mother through alchemy - an incident that left half of Edward's body gone, replaced by mechanical prosthetics, and Alphonse's body gone completely, his soul inhabiting a suit of armor. Now, the two must embark on a journey to find the Philosopher's Stone, an artifact with the powers to bring back what they lost. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood follows the same premise as the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime series, but follows the story from the original manga completely.
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Manufacturer | - |
Brand | - |
Item model number | 24482936 |
Color | - |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 77602 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 5 (1 ratings) 5 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 090204641307 |
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