Fisher Price Diego Trike
Manufacturer | - |
Brand | Fisher-Price |
Item model number | K6673 |
Color | Yellow |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 958312 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 027084432084 |
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Fisher Price Diego Trike
(4.6) |
Was so fun & easy to assemble! My son couldn't reach the pedals when we first bought this trike for him, he would push and lift his feet. Now he added a horn on the handles and he pedals all over the place! This has been such a great value I bought 2 more for his cousins and it's their favorite toy also! This product is great!!
I bought this for my son when it was on sale for $20. I have to say it has been the best 20 bucks I have spent in a long time. My son rides this every day. We take it with us whenever we can. It was very easy to put together. We have also left it out in the rain on many occasions and it has never rusted. It's also very durable (as we have tossed it in and out of the car). I would highly suggest it for anyone with active little boys.
I bought this for my three year old son. He has bigger tricycles that were supposed to be for ages 2-5, but just couldn't pedal them. It only took him a few tries (and some encouragement) to get the hang of it and now he pedals all over the place. Great product and realistic size for a three year old!
I got this trike back when it was 30 bucks over a year ago... and my son STILL HAS IT! It is SUPER durable, we accidently left it outside a few times a few tropical storms hit, and even though the stickers fadded from the rain... nothing rusted out, nothing broked... and it even got tossed into the shed! My son still rides this trike everyday. Very easy to put together, took me ten mins. I highly recommend this... esp for a first trike.
Easy to put together in 15-20 minutes. Tough for those rough times toddlers have from time to time. Easy for my 2 year old grandson to operate and loves to ride it. The only thing that is missing in my opinion is a sound or two that could be added by the toddler pushing a button or turning a knob. It has a knob for them to pretend to start it, but it has no noise to it.
Our 2 and 3 year old love these bikes. They go great in shale and on pavement. They do struggle a little in the grass, but with plastic wheels you expect them to. I would say they probably will last until a little bit younger than 5 then they will probably be to big for them.
This was great for my 3 year old grandson. He was able to reach the pedals with his short legs.
My husband and I bought this for our son for his 2nd birthday. He LOVES it! He still can't reach the pedals but is something he will definitely grow into! It was easy to put together and took no time at all!
Looking at the competition and how sturdy this trike is, you're getting a really good value. Easy and quick to assemble (make sure you have a philips screwdriver). My biggest complaint is how big it is for little riders. My daughter is 2 years old (product says for 2-5yrs) and her feet aren't even close to hitting the pedals. Because of the slanted seat, we can't even sit her closer to be able to reach them. She tried using her feet, but the back wheel are close enough to the seat to catch the backs of her heels and shins when she walks with her feet down. She's a trooper and had a good time anyways, but we'll be putting away until she's older and getting a Radio Flyer Ready to Ride which fits the smaller toddler MUCH better.
I bought this trike for my 2 year old son but he is not able to use it because the pedals are too far in the front and his little legs don't reach the pedals. I have seen other trikes and I think this is more of a design flaw with this product. The seat is too far behind and the pedals are too far in front. As a result only bigger kids(3.5 years+) will be able to enjoy a ride on it. Overall, I am not happy with this product.