Described by one writer as "a cross between The Galloping Gourmet and American Gladiators," Iron Chef is a Japanese cooking show in which a staff of renowned chefs stake their reputation each week against skilled culinary experts from around the world as they attempt to create a handful of original meals, each based on that week's key ingredient, within the space of an hour. After the show began airing on American television, it became a cult success in the United States, and now an American edition of the series has hit the airwaves. Iron Chef USA: Showdown In Las Vegas features two episodes from the Iron Chef USA series, featuring William Shatner as the Chairman of Kitchen Stadium; featured are the Showdown In Las Vegas pilot episode, and the Holiday Showdown follow-up.
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Manufacturer | Mohu |
Brand | Lionsgate Home Entertainment |
Item model number | 08686244 |
Color | Dark Gray |
Weight | 4.85 pounds |
Height | 1.93 inches |
Depth | 4.5 inches |
Product Id | 187318 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 5 (2 ratings) 5 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 031398809029 |
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