Based on the Disney Channel comedy series, the game follows the Lucas brothers as they go about their everyday, but not so normal lives. It features other main characters from the show, including good friends Macy and Stella, and lets fans explore familiar locations including the brother's firehouse and school as seen in the television show. Players can also customise the JONAS band members' wardrobe for their daytime antics, as well as cool outfits for when they take the stage. Featuring interactive environments, JONAS allows players to collect musical notes to power up their guitars and then strike the right guitar chords to overcome obstacles and help the JONAS band members. The game also features hit songs from the JONAS" television show. Play as the hottest rockstars on the planet -- Nick, Joe and Kevin Strike the right guitar action chords to overcome obstacles and keep JONAS-mania under control. Discover guitar action chords unique to each Lucas brother and launch them at key moments to help Nick, Joe and Kevin steer clear of fan trouble! Tear up the stage with JONAS and perform in 6 live concerts. Take on hilarious adventures with Nick, Joe and Kevin and visit exciting locations from the JONAS TV show like the firehouse, school and more! Help Nick, Joe and Kevin complete tasks around the house and at school in exciting minigames Customize super stylish outfits to create cool looks for school and then rock it for the stage ESRB Rating: EVERYONE
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Manufacturer | - |
Brand | Disney |
Item model number | 886162339598 |
Color | - |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 958104 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 886162339598 |
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