This fantastical release from the anime series Kaleido Star includes all 24 episodes of the show's second season, following the story of Naekino Sora, a girl who followed her dream of joining the Kaleido Stage, the most breathtaking circus in the world, after tragically losing her parents. But when a rival enters the big top, Sora's happiness in the spotlight suddenly seems more tenuous than ever. The release also includes the two Kaleido Star OVA's.
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Manufacturer | - |
Brand | - |
Item model number | 15276063 |
Color | - |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 1372047 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 5 (2 ratings) 5 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 704400067716 |
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