Lessons from Mount Kilimanjaro: Schooling, Community, and Gender in East Africa (Paperback)

Lessons from Mount Kilimanjaro: Schooling, Community, and Gender in East Africa (Paperback)
Lessons from Mount Kilimanjaro: Schooling, Community, and Gender in East Africa (Paperback)
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Sambach brings together an ethnograhic study of a school and community in East Africa. Stambach focuses on the role school plays in the development of the children's identity and relationships to their parents and community, as well as in the development of the region. At issue here are the competing influences of Western modernity and the cultural traditions of East Africa-ideas about gender roles, sexuality, identity, and family and communal obligations are all at stake. Stambach looks at the controversial practice of female circumcision in the context of school and community teachings about girls' bodies and examines cultural signifiers like music, clothing and food to discuss the tensions in the region.

Lessons from Mount Kilimanjaro: Schooling, Community, and Gender in East Africa (Paperback)

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Brand Amy Stambach
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Product Id 1987328
User Reviews and Ratings 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars
UPC 462158851130

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