A removable shade canopy protects the toddler from the sun and can be aligned at a convenient angle for shade. This innovative tricycle encourages kids to be active and develop motor skills. It is designed for toddlers of age between 9 months and 3 years. Little Tikes Smart 3-in-1 Boys' Trike for Toddlers: Foot-to-floor ride-on encourage kids to be active Helps develop motor skills Seat adjusts to 4 positions to fit almost any size child Adjustable, detachable push handle Push handle lets parent control direction with 1 hand Footrests fold away and detach Durable metal/plastic construction Convenient beverage holder Extra-large storage bucket with dumping feature Adjustable shade canopy 5-point seat belt harness and protective safety bar Non-slip pedals Parents can push or kids can pedal
Manufacturer | - |
Brand | Little Tikes |
Item model number | 618277 |
Color | Multicolor |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 1181102 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 4.4 (33 ratings) 4.4 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 050743618277 |
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Little Tikes 3-in-1 Trike
Reviews: 33
33 | (4.4) |
My grandson and his mother loves the bike. He is always on the move so, his being in the seatbelt helps to keep a lot of nerves calm. Also, you are in control of of the steering until your child is able to handle by him or herself. EXCELLENT product!
Bought this for my 1 year old son, he loves it. Assembly was easy, great features and great for walking trips. I love that son can use bike as he grows.
love it , was easy to assemble , was surprised that it was made form steel and not plastic which is great and it is very easy to use and the best thing is the grandson love being in it have started to use it as a stroler so im very pleased with it would recommend it to every one
This was purchased for our 14 month old grandosn and he loves it! It was very easy to assemble. It's sturdy and safe with the lap/shoulder harness. It is also very easy to push and turn. His parents love that it will adapt to him as he grows into using a tricycle. Great product!
Not too hard to assembly. My 11 months son loves it, so do I.
We ordered this ONLINE with the Site-to-store shipping, for our 15 month old son for XMAS and were sooo excited to put it together on XMAS EVE! It wasnt until the entire trike was sitting under the tree when my husband said "ITS MISSING THE CANOPY!" It is a bright colorful and exciting first trike for any toddler but it is very frustrating when ALL THE PIECES are NOT in the box!! now we have to go back to walmart and fuss with them about the missing canopy and then put ANOTHER trike together if they cant just give us a canopy! BUT---Our Son LOVEDDD IT! and it was his favorite toy on xmas day!! def worth the look on his face! Good BUY but ENSURE ALL UR PARTS R IN THE BOX BEFORE U WALK AWAY WITH IT!
I really liked the idea of getting this for my grandson and that it would grow with him as he matures. We use this instead of the stroller for our walks. Had back surgery 6 mos. ago and it is a bit hard to turn the front wheel from the adult handle. The shade screen was VERY flimsy and is worthless. I ended up getting a small beach umbrella from the dollar store that has a clamp and placed it on the handle and works FAR better than the shade screen LT provided.
I ordered this tricycle for my son's 1st birthday, I've used it a couple of times and he loves it! I really appreciate the safety bars on the side of the seat as well as the harness, because my son likes to try and stand up on anything that's moving, I appreciate that I don't have to worry about him falling off. I can't wait to try the next stages, he really enjoys riding in this tricycle, my only complaint is that it's a little tough to steer through the parent handle. It kind of zig zags as I push so it takes a little getting used to, other than that, it's a great product!
The reviews I read about the shade not working are true. A really light breeze will blow the shade away from the position you put it in. A hat works better. The shoulder straps don't fit too well on him, but the guard to protect him from falling to the side fixes that problem. Overall, I really like this bike. I can't wait to see him using it as a trike!
I purchased this item and returned it in one day. My little 17 month old preemie didn't even fit in the shoulder straps. The foot rests are off-centered so my son's feet kept getting caught in the pedals that turned when you pushed it (there are others out there that have a clutch that stop the turning of the pedals when you are pushing for that very reason). This trike sits very low to the ground so if the child isn't on the foot rests, his feet can drag on the concrete. Try the Smart Trike. It's much sturdier and better built.