Directed by Sharon Ferranti, Make a Wish is a lesbian friendly send-up of the classic slasher films Halloween and Friday the 13th. The film revolves around an annual birthday camping trip, which finds a group of women -- all the ex-flames of Susan, the birthday girl -- at the mercy of a vicious serial killer. Tension rises as the women disappear rapidly, and things only get worse by run-ins with the current boyfriend of one of Susan's exes and a scraggly, crossbow-wielding hunter. Meanwhile, internal conflict also threatens the group's survival as a whole, as flirtation and perceived betrayals more often than not lead one of the campers to leave the campsite in a huff, only to walk into the murderer's clutches.
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Manufacturer | Weber |
Brand | Wolfe Video |
Item model number | 2142711 |
Color | Black |
Weight | 155 pounds |
Height | 47 inches |
Depth | 33 inches |
Product Id | 193239 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 4.9 (38 ratings) 4.9 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 754703762368 |
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