As a staple of 1970s American television, the Tuesday-night medical drama Marcus Welby, M.D. ran for a respectable seven seasons (1969-76) on ABC. The program brought Father Knows Best star Robert Young back to television (six years after Father wrapped) as the titular physician, a Santa Monica-based general practitioner whose capacity for doctor-patient dedication pulled him out of the office and O.R. and into the personal affairs of many patients. Assisting Welby was the considerably younger and less-experienced Dr. Steven Kiley (James Brolin), who employed a by-the-book approach to medicine and therefore felt more than a little bit flummoxed by the psychiatric tendencies woven throughout Welby's treatment methods. This set presents both the initial two-hour telemovie that formed the basis of the series (aired on March 29, 1969) and the complete first season, with all 26 episodes as they originally aired.
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Manufacturer | Simpli Home |
Brand | Universal Studios |
Item model number | TV01356 |
Color | Natural Brown |
Weight | 5.94 pounds |
Height | 26.5 inches |
Depth | 18 inches |
Product Id | 194728 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 5 (3 ratings) 5 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 883476013565 |
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