Playskool Pla Glide To Ride Girl
Manufacturer | - |
Brand | Playskool |
Item model number | 08114 |
Color | - |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 1181030 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 653569330974 |
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Playskool Pla Glide To Ride Girl
(4) |
The bike was pretty easy to put together and adjust. As soon as I got it together we rushed outside so my 3-year old daughter could try it out. She loves it! After a little bit I could already tell her balance was getting better. I wasn't sure about spending this much on a bike but it is well worth it!
This by far is a great product to be so simple. My little one learned to balance the 2nd day. She is ready for the pedals already but it has been way too cold to be outdoors! It gave her the confidence she needed without training wheels. Highly recommended!
The bike is just the right size for my 4 year old grandaughter. Although she has not mastered the concept of gliding, she is working on it. I wish there were instructions or tips on how to teach them to glide, she has a tendency to put her feet down after only a few feet. I am sure that the more she practice the better she will get. The bike is not too heavy, the hand break is a good idea. I would recomend it for any little person that doesn't know how to ride yet.
We bought this for our daughter's 4th birthday and have only had it a couple of weeks so far, so she has not gotten to the point of using the pedals yet. She loves the bike, though, and started learning the first day to lift up her feet and try to balance for a few seconds. She is very "wimpy" about getting boo-boos, so we really like the concept better than going the training wheels route. The bike required very minimal assembly. My only concern is that it is a little smaller than I expected... even though the seat and handlebars can be raised, the handlebars have a "safety" marking above which you are not supposed to raise them, and we already have it almost to that point. The reason we chose this particular brand was for the longevity - since it includes pedals that can be added later, we could avoid having to buy two separate bikes for a while. However, because of the size, I'm not sure about our strategy.
The balance bike seemed like a great idea. When it arrived, it was a huge disappointment. It was so bulky and heavy. It just seemed so cheaply made. We returned it that day.