Programmers at work: Interviews, Used [Paperback]

Programmers at work: Interviews, Used [Paperback]
Programmers at work: Interviews, Used [Paperback]
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A collection of interviews that probe the minds of 20 of the most notable programmers. They highlight the forces, events and the personality traits that influenced today's software movers and shakers - how they approach design (is it a talent?), and how they see the future.

Programmers at work: Interviews, Used [Paperback]

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Last updated: 2024-10-30 01:16:43
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Product Id 1338609
User Reviews and Ratings 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars
UPC 468891748782

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Pre-Owned Programmers at work: Interviews (Paperback) 0914845713 9780914845713
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