Radio Flyer Dlxcanopy Steering Trike
Manufacturer | - |
Brand | Radio Flyer |
Item model number | 54 |
Color | - |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 782864 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 042385957074 |
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Radio Flyer Dlxcanopy Steering Trike
(4.4) |
Our 2 year old grandson LOVES the trike. The trunk is great to carry a drink box for him or his sticks he has picked up. The Trike works like a charm. The oly down side we have found was that he has learned to try to overpower your turning so he can go in circles. He laughs and keeps riding. Other sites had the same trike for double the price.
We gave this to my 2 year old for her birthday. I had really done my research for the months prior. She loves it. The seat adjusts (3 positions), the handle very easy to remove. It is super easy to steer as long as the child is seated. If you're pushing an empty trike, it's a little harder. The pedal only goes forward which teaches the child how to pedal much quicker than a traditional trike. This tricycle is very well made and we will definately recommend it to our friends who have small children. It does make that clicking sound if you're pushing and the child isn't pedaling but it isn't that annoying. It's a small noise compared to our energetic toddler!
I bought this bike for my two year old because it was the only bike i could find with rubber tires. I don't care for molded plastic wheels they have no traction. I don't use the canopy as it doesn't provide shade uless the sun is directly overhead. I would have liked a less expensive bike with rubber tires but overall it is a good product. There is plenty of room to grow into this bike. Putting it together is pretty easy too. One thing I do LOVE about the bike is that it doesn't pedal backwards so my daughter can learn to ride forward which is a little more difficult for first time riders.
we had a smaller fold up trike with a handle that my in-laws bought for my 2yr old. when we went walking, my son would steer us off the sidewalk. not with this trike! it is awesome! i can control where we go and he loves it because it's not a stroller. i would recommend this to anyone with an active 2-3 yr old!!!
Great size, my daughter can grow with this. Wish it had a buckle/harness option, she tries to jump off of it often. Other than that, it is great. The large inflated tires makes it easy to go through grass and dirt. Highly recommend it, but you may want to take it to an enclosed safe place first to see if they'll try and jump off of it. I like that I can steer it.
I bought this bike for my 2 year old daughter, however, my 4 year old son who has never been interested in riding his own tricycle has taken this over and not stopped riding it since! That in itself is worth every penny to me since I could not figure out why he never much cared to ride any of his ride-on toys. My daughter also likes it and it's easy for her to pedal. The sun shade is probably worthless if you have tall children (as I do) since the sun shade keeps whacking them in the head. The ability for your child to pedal or not pedal has been great since it's motivated my daughter to start pedaling on her own. Definitely wish I would have bought this bike for my son 2 years ago.
My 2 year old grandson loves it. The pedals dont turn when being pushed, so the child can relax with feet resting on the pedals. The push handle allows the pusher to help steer, and is removable when the child is able to solo. The canopy model is nice, but the canopy blows up when heading into the wind. Not a big deal. Lots of pieces to assemble, but it's basic stuff. Follow the instruction. Allow an hour to assemble with 3 basic tools. It's well made in the usual Radio Flyer style.
This tricycle is wonderful and my son really enjoys it. He is still unable to reach the pedals so the easy steering works out great. I would like to point out there is no seat belt attached so a helmet is a must. It was also not very easy to put together, but it moves like a dream over bumps and cracks in the pavement, no herky-jerky stops. Despite the problems, would still recommend it highly.
This is the best copiloter trike....b'cuz I could not find anything better than this online. It has air tires, copilot feature, adjastable seat, storage bin. The ring bell is gr8. My 21 months old loves it. The only drawback is it makes clickering noise when he keeps his feet steady while I am pushing it. I couldnt find anything better So, I bought this. Once he starts paddleing by himself then it would not be prob anymore I guess. Copilot is must for this kind of age kids cuz he can enjoy riding trike as well as he is not able to paddle yet though he can reach paddle, Adult can enjoy walking using trike as a stroller. Air tire makes ride quiet. adjastable seat has 3 stages, So I guess I am all set for a while. I would recommend this product to a friend who can not find trike better than this. Enjoy the ride
I bought this for my grandaughter for her 2nd birthday and although she couldn't pedal it yet, she would not get off it and was quite upset when it got dark and had to come in for the night. The only reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 is I don't know how durable it is yet, having it only a short time. But I would highly recommend it.