Age range: 2-1/2 to 5 years Pedal-free design develops balance and coordination. This helps eliminate the fear of falling Frame: Sturdy, lightweight steel frame Seat: Adjustable, padded seat Maintenance-free tires Maximum weight capacity: 50 lbs This Radio Flyer balance bike would make an exciting birthday or holiday gift This kids' balance bike allows your child to start slow No training wheels needed Comes with a fun bell on the handlebars Available colors: red, pink Unisex design for all kids to enjoy!
Manufacturer | - |
Brand | Radio Flyer |
Item model number | 800 |
Color | Red |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 311160 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 4.6 (225 ratings) 4.6 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 042385980164 |
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Radio Flyer, Glide & Go Balance Bike, Red, Unisex Beginner Bike for Toddlers
Reviews: 225
225 | (4.6) |
This bike is really wonderful. Since we have bought it for my two year old he wants to ride it all the time. I would deffinatly reccomend it to a friend. It is a very durable bike. It is also very light so it is easy for them to pick up on their own. It is a little small. I would not reccomend for a child that is older than three.
After looking at reviews of other balance bikes, we decided to get this one for our three year old granddaughter. The price was reasonable, and we have purchased other Radio Flyer products that have held up well. It arrived at the Walmart store on the day stated, and was easy to put together. It fit our granddaughter well on the lowest seat setting. This will give her some growing room. GrandmaPT
Bought for my grandsons 2nd birthday March 2021 He loves it
We purchased this balance bike last week for our 2 year old son. This bike is great! Well made, sturdy, fast shipping, and a great price! Our son started 'walking' with the bike, ringing the bell as he goes (great added feature for little ones!), and is already scooting himself around our deck. In a week he's mastered balancing, while learning how to make himself go faster. A great first bike for your toddler!
This bike is great for kids age 2-5 I bought it for my 4 year old grandson . He got on a rode it for the first time with no problems . It's a good bike to get for children to teach them balance and better then a bike that has peddles. My grandson loved it.
Awesome my 3yr old niece loves it.
It was very easy to assemble. Love the adjustable seat. The packaging was great, no damage to the bike. It's very sturdy. My nephew absolutely loves it.
I bought this for my 2 1/2 year old grandson for Christmas. It took about 5 minutes to put together. Very easy. It's well made & light weight enough for him to get it from place to place. My only concern is that the seat doesn't go low enough for him to put both feet flat on the floor, so he walks it around the house legs on either side of the frame which is a start I guess. Now he's got to grow about an inch to "ride" it. If not for that I would have given this 5 stars. If you're thinking about this bike measure the length of the child leg including the diaper if worn.
Where the handle bars fit through the frame is held in place by plastic rings. Kinda cheap in my opinion. But you get what you pay for as they say. I wouldn't expect this to hold together for more than a year, but that's probably as long as my kid will ride it before he outgrows it.
The bike saddled arrived damaged