This collection features every episode ever aired of the action-packed anime series Samurai Troopers, which depicts the heroic gang of warriors as they look to bring down nefarious evildoers. This collection of 39 episodes follows Ryo, Toma, Shu, Shin and Seiji as they battle the Emperor of Doom himself, Arago, and other villains determined to defeat the five men in mystical armor. These adventures include a wide range of epic duels, including showdowns with evil possessors of magic armor, the Four Warlords.
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Manufacturer | - |
Brand | - |
Item model number | 28022244 |
Color | - |
Weight | - |
Height | - |
Depth | - |
Product Id | 88458 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 5 (2 ratings) 5 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 875707047098 |
# | Title | Reviews | User Ratings | Price |
1 |
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