STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of Mineral Town is a long-awaited return to one of the most beloved entries in the original farm/life simulation franchise, known in Japan as Bokujo Monogatari. Originally released for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance in 2003, this complete remake re-envisions the charming and occasionally mysterious world of Mineral Town, updating gameplay, graphics, and characters for modern day. The PlayStation®4 and Xbox One versions also boast improved graphics and framerate from the Nintendo Switch version that was released in 2020. Core features of the STORY OF SEASONS series make their return, with multi-floor mining and fan-favorite events like horse racing. Newcomers to the series will discover the compelling farming gameplay and complex characters that made this series the standard in the genre, and veterans will be able to enjoy a return to a wonderful world with updated systems, character designs, and a completely new translation.
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Manufacturer | XSEED Games |
Brand | XSEED Games |
Item model number | 82158 |
Color | 2.0 for Xbox Controllers |
Weight | 0.11 ounces |
Height | 1.73 inches |
Depth | 7.48 inches |
Product Id | 237267 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 5 (1 ratings) 5 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 859716006581 |
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