Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting: The Latex Companion (Other)

Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting: The Latex Companion (Other)
Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting: The Latex Companion (Other)
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Detailed product description

This is the digital version of the printed book (Copyright (c) 2004). The LaTeX Companion has long been the essential resource for anyone using LaTeX to create high-quality printed documents. This completely updated edition brings you all the latest information about LaTeX and the vast range of add-on packages now available--over 200 are covered! Full of new tips and tricks for using LaTeX in both traditional and modern typesetting, this book will also show you how to customize layout features to your own needs--from phrases and paragraphs to headings, lists, and pages. Inside, you will find: Expert advice on using LaTeX's basic formatting tools to create all types of publications--from memos to encyclopedias In-depth coverage of important extension packages for tabular and technical typesetting, floats and captions, multicolumn layouts--including reference guides and discussions of the underlying typographic and TeXnical concepts Detailed techniques for generating and typesetting contents lists, bibliographies, indexes, etc. Tips and tricks for LaTeX programmers and systems support New to this edition: Nearly 1,000 fully tested examples that illustrate the text and solve typographical and technical problems--all ready to run! An additional chapter on citations and bibliographies Expanded material on the setup and use of fonts to access a huge collection of glyphs, and to typeset text from a wide range of languages and cultures Major new packages for graphics, "verbatim" listings, floats, and page layout Full coverage of the latest packages for all types ofdocuments--mathematical, multilingual, and many more Detailed help on all error messages, including those troublesome low-level TeX errors Like its predecessor, The LaTeX Companion, Second Edition, is an indispensable reference for anyone wishing to use LaTeX productively. The accompanying CD-ROM contains a complete plug-and-play LaTeX installation, including all the packages and examples featured in the book.

Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting: The Latex Companion (Other)

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Last updated: 2024-12-29 07:34:13
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Manufacturer -
Brand John Fuller; Frank Mittelbach; Michel Goossens
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Product Id 2069610
User Reviews and Ratings 3 (1 ratings) 3 out of 5 stars
UPC 785342362992

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Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting: The Latex Companion (Other)
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