In the aftermath of a high-profile meltdown, veteran Emergency Task Force officer Detective Aiden Black (David Sutcliffe) wrestles with post-traumatic stress disorder after being transferred back to the Psych Crimes and Crisis Unit, and partnered with psychiatrist Dr. Daniella Ridley (Stephanie von Pfetten). Together, this unlikely duo aims to solve a series of perplexing cases.
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Manufacturer | Geek Squad® |
Brand | Columbia Records |
Item model number | 41158937 |
Color | Light Beige |
Weight | 0.19 pounds |
Height | 1.08 inches |
Depth | 6.44 inches |
Product Id | 165555 |
User Reviews and Ratings | 4.5 (53 ratings) 4.5 out of 5 stars |
UPC | 194397815313 |
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